Financial Modeling (FIN 413)
I have recorded many videos in which I emphasize teaching Excel while teaching relevant finance skills. My new YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHbmhzlXTBYFHGtyUkqwQRA) has links to all of my video lectures and exercise walk-throughs. If you are interested in using any of my materials featured in the videos, send me an email and I will be happy to share them.
Honors and Awards
Full-Time MBA Favorite Elective Award, 2020
Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Teaching Excellence, 2018
Eller College Student's Choice Award for Outstanding Faculty, 2017
Finalist in ModelOff Financial Modeling World Championships, 2016
Scrivner Teaching Award, 2014-15
Awarded Leeds Ph.D. Teaching Award, Fall 2011
Finalist for Leeds Ph.D. Teaching Award, Spring 2011
Eller College of Management, University of Arizona
FIN 413 - Financial Modeling, 2014 - 2019
FIN 513 - Fundamental Valuation Modeling, 2014 - 2019
FIN 696H - Research Methods, 2015
Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado Boulder
MBAX 6111-573 - Entrepreneurial Finance (Evening Executive MBA) - 2011, 2014
ESBM 4570 - Entrepreneurial Finance (Undergraduate) - 2010 - 2011